Eyes on Jesus - the Spiritual Journey of Lent

Eyes on Jesus - the Spiritual Journey of Lent

This Lenten season, take your family on a journey deep into the heart of Jesus.

All you have to do is scratch off a circle a day to uncover a new JESUS IS… statement and a Scripture that supports it.

Keep it simple, short, open-ended, and fun.


Scrape off only one mystery circle a day starting on February 14. There are 47 circles in total -- one for each day of Lent and one for each Sunday.

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    Be gentle while scraping off the mystery circles. You don't need to apply much pressure. If you scratch too hard, you'll remove ink and even a layer of paper and won't be able to read what's underneath the golden foil. You may want to use a dime or a penny to remove the golden layer. Surprisingly, a damp sponge works the best and provides the cleanest look.

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      The very first circle is DIFFERENT from the rest. It's a fill-in-the-blank statement that reads: JESUS IS _____ It's an invitation for all family members to share who Jesus is to them and what He means to them at this stage of their life. 

      Here's what your calendar will look like after all the mystery circles are scratched off. 

        Check out the infographic below for some tips about how to make your interaction with the calendar engaging and meaningful for everyone in the family.

        We hope that this simple daily activity will become a lifegiving ritual causing many heartfelt chats about Jesus and spontaneous prayers welcoming the power of His name into your lives.

        Holy Week Family Challenge

        Did you know that the Eyes on Jesus calendar has a companion?

        YOU ARE LOVED: The Holy Week Family Challenge was designed to enrich your interaction with the calendar by inviting you on six holy adventures with Jesus.

        Check it out >>> HERE.




        I Speak Jesus

        This powerful song could become an anthem for your family as you go through the Eyes on Jesus calendar. 

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        Thank you, Commission 127, for the beautiful Lent gift that we will be using with our foster girl!

        Rebecca Garcia

        Just received the calendar!
        It’s beautiful and I pray my grandkids will enjoy it during lent!

        Judy Graven

        What ages would you say this calendar would be best for?


        THANK YOU for posting the song Speak Jesus!!!

        Helen Greis

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